TraceMed software is approved by various NMVOs (National Medicines Verification Organisation).
TraceMed is a solution supporting effective medicines authenticity verification in respective National Medicines Verification Organisation databases. Access to complete information about medicine packs is obtained thanks to:
- Web application,
- Mobile application (Android),
- Database of all transactions completed in TraceMed.
Main functionality:
- Establishing connection with NMVO database,
- Information exchange with NMVO database:
- Verifying / decommissioning single packs or undoing a transaction, synchronous communication,
- Bulk verifying / decommissioning or bulk undoing of transactions, asynchronous communication,
- Registration of all NMVO transactions (in accordance with transaction list),
- Browsing history of transactions that match selected criteria (up to 5 years),
- Reporting: pdf, html, csv.
Web application:
- Access control, available functions are determined by granted rights,
- Carrying out single and bulk transactions (in accordance with transaction list),
- Scanning GS1 Data Matrix codes or manual entry of data,
- Full support of aggregation,
- Data export to pdf, html, csv,
- Data import from csv, txt.
Mobile application:
- Access control, available functions are determined by granted rights,
- Carrying out single transactions (in accordance with transaction list),
- Scanning GS1 Data Matrix codes or manual entry of data,
- Creating aggregates.
TraceMed has been validated in accordance with Annex 15 of GMP. The system meets GDP requirements for computer systems.
If you would like to try TraceMed out, please contact us at